

Unique ERP solutions for more effective manufacturing!

Build smart and efficient factories, enhance operations with AI, IoT and more with Dynamics 365 in manufacturing.

Average growth in yearly operating income*

$ 0 M
Manufacturing companies use Cloud apps*
0 %
Less CO2 emmisions and energy usage*
0 %

Why Choose Dynamics 365 for Manufacturing?

Better productivity, greater transparency and higher business growth with Dynamics 365 in manufacturing. Today, the manufacturing sector is undergoing one of the most significant transformations in history. Data and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are one of the most important factors in digital transformation in the sector. It is crucial for business leaders to use technology, like AI, IoT and more to connect traditional manufacturing methods with intelligent, data-driven future.

Benefits of Dynamics 365 for manufacturing industry


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Optimize your operations with intelligent and secure cloud infrastructure. Real-time data processing and IoT integration enable proactive maintenance, quality control, and supply chain management all in one application.


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Accelerated product innovation with advanced analytics and AI that turns valuable insights into real actions. Dynamics 365 in Manufacturing will help you refine your design processes, enhance product development, and reduce time for a product until its released to the market.


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With Dynamics 365 in Manufacturing, enhance supply chain efficiency with advanced data solutions to improve forecasting accuracy and operations. Improve decision-making and make disruptions a rarity by optimizing inventory management and order fulfillment.


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Grow collaboration within your organization, teams and locations with advanced communication tools and data-sharing platforms. Ensure that everyone, from the production line to executive management, is always informed and reacts to changes rapidly.


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With Dynamics 365 its easy to practice sustainability with tools that monitor and manage energy usage, waste reduction, and resource optimization. Achieve your environmental goals through data-driven decisions and efficient operations.


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Connection to D365 Field Service which enables manufacturers to deliver a personalized service to a customer with mixed reality tools, remote assist and interactive instructions. D365 Sales helps to maximize revenue, find new opportunities and communicate effectively.

A man working in a manufacturing job using a blower to clean a part from assembly line

Want to know if Dynamics 365 in Manufacturing can improve you processes?

Get in touch with our manufacturing software specialists and they will provide you with an full assessment of possible shortfalls and improvements that a new system could provide.

Why us choose us to improve your manufacturing operations?

    • Official Microsoft partner with licensed, highly skilled programmers.
    • Implementers of a wide range of business management systems.
    • Deep understanding of not only technical capabilities, but also corporate needs and business process management.
    • More than 25 international projects have been successfully implemented.

Let’s create the edge your business needs!

Map of Europe highlighting in green the countries where our company has clients, including Ireland, United Kingdom, Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia.

Watch the success story of our manufacturing customer Audio-Technica

Audio-Technica is a worldwide group of companies devoted to the design, manufacture and distribution of problem-solving audio equipment. Initially known for state-of-the-art phonograph cartridges, Audio-Technica now creates high-performance microphones, headphones, wireless systems, mixers and electronic products for home and professional use. Read full success story here. 

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